While a single bag of chips won't kill you, research confirms a diet high in ultra-processed foods is linked to a shorter lifespan. The latest study on these modern foods found their consumption is linked to a 10% or more reduction in lifespan when eaten regularly. Whole or minimally processed foods are easily recognizable in a state like how they were grown. Ultra-processed foods are created from mixing chemical additives and substances extracted from foods. Examples of these foods are soft drinks, hot dogs, fast food, packaged baked goods and snacks. The top three most common types of ultra-processed foods consumed were determined to be diet soft drinks, sugary soft drinks, and refined grains (breads and baked goods). With these making up the majority of ultra-processed food intake, it’s likely they are also doing the most damage to our health. Ultra-processed foods impair our health in multiple ways. These include causing nutrient imbalances, increasing inflammation in the body, disrupting gut health and the microbiome, and displacing healthy whole foods. The good news? Studies show that even small reductions in ultra-processed food intake can have a positive impact on health and longevity. So ditch the processed snacks and focus on a diet rich in whole foods for a longer, healthier life.
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AuthorsDr Aaron McMichael + Dr Ryan McMichael Categories
October 2024
_Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor. This blog is not a doctor and will not diagnose or treat your problems.