McMichael Chiropractic Patient Stories
Purification Patients
![]() The patients below completed the 21-day Purification Program that focuses on eating right and setting new habits that allow one to live a healthy lifestyle.
Belinda M. & the Purification Program
I feel 100% better. I get up easier with improved sleep and more energy. I have less joint stiffness and can be more active. My balance is better and my digestion is better. It has been 10 years since I felt this good. Do I recommend care at McMichael Chiropractic? Absolutely.
Dr. Larry & Digestion, Sinuses, High Blood Pressure![]() Digestion was much better. Blood pressure was down. Sinuses were better. A "mental fog" (that I was unaware of) lifted. I just feel better. Improved sleep and energy. It has been years since feeling this good. I recommend McMichael Chiropractic Clinic.
Eczema, Digestion... (anonymous North Canton, OH)
Before completing the purification program at McMichael Chiropractic I was not expecting anything. I feel better overall and it has helped my eczema. Eczema is almost gone on finger. Plus I lost some weight. I have less muscle tension & improved motion. I sleep better and have more energy. I have better digestion. My focus/concentration is improved. It has been a few years since I felt this good.
Chet L. & Bloating, Fatigue...
After completing the 3 week purification program at McMichael Chiropractic, I have no bloating, lost weight, energy has returned, I'm sleeping well. I have less indigestion. I have improved focus/concentration and better blood pressure. It has been years since I felt this good!
Anthony M. & Severe Chronic Neck Pain, Heartburn, Anxiety, Stomach Cramps
![]() I have no heartburn, no cramping, and sleep ok. Neck pain is better, sleeping through the night. Less tingling in right arm. Improved energy and improved blood pressure. It has been 8 years or more since I felt this good.
Lynn H. & Aches, Weight...
Before completing the purification program at McMichael Chiropractic I had body aches, headaches, and weight gain. I have since lost weight, and have fewer aches. There is less joint stiffness. My sleep and energy have improved. I need less pain medication. I have less anxiety than I have had in years. I have better digestion than I have had in years. It has been years since I have felt this good.
Exhaustion & Weight Gain (anonymous North Canton, OH)
I have more energy and less sinus problems. I sleep better and have less joint stiffness. I can manage my stress much better. It has been about 1 year since I felt this good.
Kimberly S. & Heartburn, Bad Sleep, Neck Pain, Headaches...
I had heart burn, indigestion, was not sleeping well, neck didn't move well, lots of cracking & gravely when moving, headaches, hard to move after sitting, easily out of breath, my big stomach made bending over difficult. Purification has changed it all! I feel great!
I feel younger, more nergetic, less pain, no indigestion or heartburn, I sleep well, my joints aren;t stiff. I can move around, bend, stoop, sit comfortably. Everything is working as God intended. It has been 10 years since I felt this good. Thank you! Maggie D. & Headaches, Sinus Problems, Weight Gain
No headaches. Sinuses have cleared up a lot - can finally breath through my nose!! Lost weight. Improved sleep. Improved energy. Less colds. Better digestion. Improved focus. Improved blood pressure. It has been a year or so since I felt this good.
Digestive Problems & Weight (anonymous Canton, OH)
The program seems to be working. I've lost weight (15 pounds), have not experienced digestive discomforts, sleeping better, more energy, and less back problems. I fit into my clothes. Sleep more restfully. Eat without experiencing some digestive discomfort. Pain is less frequent and I need less pain medication. I have noticed less allergies and better bowel regularity. Also less headaches. My facial skin rash has improved. It has been quite awhile since I felt this good. I plan to continue using the healthier eating habits that I learned from this program.
Gayle C. & Cravings, Reflux...
Before the program: overactive cravings, overweight, stiffness, occasional joint pains, and mental sluggishness.
After the program: Feel more in control of cravings, lost some weight, stiffness better - not as severe. Less pain walking after sitting. Less reflux. It has been months since I felt this good. A Case of High Blood Pressure, Anxiety, Fatigue & Indigestion - Don B.
Prior to the purification program I experienced restlessness, above normal level of anxiety, lack of focus, blood pressure leaning towards level 1 hypertensive state (135/66 avg) even on blood pressure meds, weighed 18 more pounds than recommended by [hernia] surgeon, craved carbohydrates, snacked between meals more when under unusual stress, reduced stamina & fatigued easily.
Nearing the final day of the purification program I find that I'm much calmer, more focused, blood pressure has dropped significantly (112/59 avg), abdominal bloating & gas reduced, lost my cravings for carbohydrates by the end of the 2nd week, snack only on veggies & fruit, increased stamina, less fatigue & feel better in general. Oh, I almost forgot I've lost 15 pounds in 21 days. It has been 2 or 3 years since I felt this good. I had no idea how much the food & drink we ingest daily can affect our whole system. The significant, positive changes to my physical & mental state in just the 21 days of this program are totally amazing!! John & Cholesterol...
More energy - Loss of weight - less pain in knees. Better urination. Less intense/frequent pain. Less pain medication needed. My doctor no longer recommends cholesterol medication. He said, "Whatever you are doing, keep doing it."
Pat & Cholesterol & Pains
I had beck, neck, foot problems. My joints feel better. My breathing/stuffy nose is more clear. Less stress on joints. My doctor no longer recommends cholesterol medication for me.
Heartburn, Bloating, Headaches...
After 3 weeks: 50% less body aches, headaches are way down, no heartburn, no sleeping issues, some bloating. Less allergies. Improved blood pressure & vision. Less dizziness. I feel less anxiety and an overall feeling of being comfortable & safe.
It has been 10-12 years since I felt this good. The foods that we eat affect our mind & body - the wrong foods that we eat trick us into believing that our ailments are caused by other more important things like age, heredity, etc. Indigestion, Joint Pain...
Now no indigestion/heartburn. Joint pain 30% gone. Still having sleep issues. Energy is back not 100% but good to have. It's been 4 years since I felt this good.
Dave M. & Cholesterol, Aches...
I had minor aches & pains, occasional headaches, occasional cold symptoms, high cholesterol. Now I'm not as stiff, no cold symptoms. Improved sleep, energy, digestion. Cholesterol reduced.
Katie M. & Acne, Headaches...
I had acne, HPV virus, headaches. Improved HPV! and acne somewhat. Improved sleep and energy. Improved ability to be active. Less indigestion. I feel good & sleep wonderful. I love my steady energy. My muscles fell less tense.
Jason F. & Intense Foot Pain
I had pain in the bottom of both of my feet. (Medical doctors said nothing could be done other than take daily pain medication). I cut out sugar (including grains) from my diet. It took about 3 weeks and all the pain went away. I have a lot more energy. Plus I lost 25 lbs in 2 months. It has been 10 years since I felt this good.
Doctor's note: This patient did not perform the purification program, but followed specific diet recommendations we gave him. Melissa L. & Neck and Back Pain
My parents both recommended I come to McMichael Chiropractic. I feel great =:)
Less pain & colds/illness. Better motion, posture, sleep, energy, ability to be active. My back feels a lot better. When I sit for a long period of time at work it used to hurt when I began to get up. But now it doesn't. It's been a year since I felt this good. Back Pain (anonymous in Canton)
Chiropractic treatment relieved the pain & discomfort I was experiencing. My sleep and energy improved and can be more active. It has been months since I felt this good. Thanks!
Back Pain & Leg Numbness (anonymous)
I can feel everything in my legs now. I feel better throughout the day and I feel that I have more energy. Thank you guys so much.
Low Back Pain
The treatment was good. I have no back pain. I have improved sleep. I recommend care at McMichael Chiropractic Clinic.
The Patients Below Completed Chiropractic Care & the Purification Program
Randy H. & Aches & Pains
Most aches & pains have gone away. Less joint stiffness. Less pain medication needed. Improved motion and energy. Better digestion & regularity. Improved blood pressure. Less colds/illness. It has been 2+ years since I felt this good. I recommend care at McMichael Chiropractic Clinic.
Lisa H. after Purification Program & Chiropractic Care
Almost all pain has subsided. Walking, sitting, and daily activities are no longer an issue. Stretches and exercises that have been recommended help on days that I cam stiff. Pain less intense and less frequent. Less joint stiffness and muscle tension. Less numbness and tingling. Better motion and posture. Better sleep and energy. Better digestion. Less menstrual pain. Less colds/illness. It has been 5-8 years since I felt this good. My all around experience has been wonderful. Along with much better health; all the staff is fabulous. Very polite, genuine, and very time effective.
Headaches, Backaches, Sinuses, Cholesterol...
Greatly reduced or eliminated all of these. Less frequent pain, less joint stiffness, less muscle tension. Improved motion, posture, energy. Improved ability to be active and less pain medication needed. Less allergies, asthma, colds. Better digestion & regularity. Less anxiety. It's probably been 25 years since I felt this good.
Wanda O. & Fibromyalgia & Fatigue
I was experiencing fibromyaglia, low back pain, restless legs, fatigue, and poor sleep. I no longer take medication to go to sleep. I have stopped taking Nexium (still some indigestion). Fibromyalgia pain is much better. My energy level has increased. Weight loss :) I have noticed a small improvement in my hands and feet where I have pustular psoriasis. This program teaches you how to make better choices. Makes you think about what you eat & if you make the changes, you'll see how much better you will feel. Definitely a learning experience. Glad I did it. I haven't felt this good in a long time - years.
Debbie B. & Neck, Back Pain

Pain isn't as severe, joints aren't aching, getting around better, more active, sleeping better, more energy. After treatment and recommendations at McMichael Chiropractic I have experienced: less numbness, less tingling, less anxiety, less indigestion, improved posture, improved digestion, improved regularity, improved focus/concentration, improved blood pressure, and need less pain medication. I haven't taken Excedrin in 3 weeks! I haven't felt this good for too long to remember.
Severe Pain in Right Leg & Lower Back, Neck Stiffness...(anonymous)
The treatments of my lower back and neck have greatly improved my flexibility and relieved pain. Their recommendation of the purification program and supplements has greatly improved the way I feel today. Improved energy. Less allergies. Better digestion. Less dizziness. It has been a year since I felt this good. I recommend care at McMichael Chiropractic.
Connie J. & Low Back Ache, Knee Pain...
I have much less pain after treatment. Sitting & lying down is better. There is less joint stiffness & less muscle tension. I can move better and need less pain medication. I have less anxiety and improved focus & concentration. My blood pressure is better. I have better bowel regularity. I have less "restless legs".
Back Pain, Leg Pain, Diabetes (anonymous Canton. OH)
I have reduced pain in back completely; less pain in lower extremities. I have improved motion and can be more active. Sleep and energy improved. Also better bladder regularity. I haven't felt this good in months.
Tammy G. & Allergies, Stomach Upset, Anxiety

All the above issues have improved greatly! After the first few days of headaches (caffeine probably) I instantly felt better overall. My stomach felt better - no upset stomach problems like nausea, bloating and abdominal discomfort. Sinus pressure / headaches became less of a problem too. It's been a long time since I felt this good!!
Mike W. & Low Back Pain, Indigestion, Asthma...
Before treatment I had extreme pain & little motion. Improvement since treatment - awesome - extreme pain to no pain in a short period of time. Waited a long time to feel this good. I have less pain and take less pain medication, less joint stiffness and muscle tension, less numbness and tingling. I have better motion & posture, better sleep and energy, and can be more active. I have noticed less asthma, less colds/illness, less indigestion, improved bowl regularity, better focus and concentration, better blood pressure. I eat better. Less problems with my health issues. More energy and I breathe better. Also nice to move around without pain. Like night and day. It has been 25 years since I felt this good.
Brandi S. & Sinuses, Fatigue, Weight
Their recommendations and treatment have helped improve my sinuses and the bloating feeling I was having, along with helping me lose 5 lbs. At night I am no longer having sneezing attacks. My sleep and energy have improved. My digestion is better and I have less dizziness.
Rebecka F. & Headaches, Depression..
Headaches decreased significantly. Feel better overall (achyness that had become used to is gone, digestive discomfort is gone, etc.) Less intense pain. Less frequent pain. Less joint stiffness and muscle tension. I need less pain medication. Less allergies. Less anxiety. Better bowel regularity. Better posture. I suffer from depression and anxiety & have been amazed how changing eating habits has positively affected that. It has been about 8 years since I have felt this good.