12/6/2012 Natural News & Research - Salt & Heart Disease, Bariatric Surgery & Halting Alzheimer's DiseaseRead Now![]() Should you be afraid of salt? It's time again to catch up on some of the latest research related to natural ways to improve your health. From heart disease to diabetes and Alzheimer's you can do more than you think to prevent these diseases or stop them in their tracks... Diet Benefits Beyond Meds for Heart Disease A study of over 30,000 men & women confirms that changing to a healthier diet can help prevent heart problems for those at high risk. A healthy diet also prevents further problems for those who already have heart disease. Researchers found a benefit to healthy eating regardless of medications being taken. Those who ate the healthiest diet had a significantly lower risk of cardiovascular events (death, heart failure, stroke) than those eating the poorest diet. This confirms that eating well helps everyone, not just those who are already healthy. It's never too late to benefit from a healthier diet, so start now. Link Between Salt & Heart Disease Debatable
![]() Less inflammation with every back stroke. Physical activity has long been recognized as an important part of staying healthy, but a recent study shows it has the potential to also improve our health by reducing inflammation. Why does reducing inflammation matter? Inflammation has been linked to most all chronic diseases and conditions including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, asthma & allergies, digestive problems, arthritis, Alzheimer's, aches & pains, etc. Many conditions that are considered a part of aging are more likely the result of increasing inflammation. Temporary localized inflammation may be helpful for healing a cut or scrape, but inflammation throughout the body is a growing problem with many Americans. Research on physical activity & inflammation: In a study published in the Journal Circulation1, 4289 participants reported their level of physical activity, and blood tests measuring inflammation (CRP and IL-6) were performed over an 10 year period. Physically active participants had lower measured levels in inflammation. Based on this data the researchers noted, "Regular physical activity is associated with lower markers of inflammation over 10 years of follow-up and thus may be important in preventing the pro-inflammatory state seen with aging." "Regular physical activity...may be important in preventing the pro-inflammatory state seen with aging." This is powerful news for those who have not heard it before. Regular activity could help prevent or improve a variety of chronic conditions. Exercise can help us stay younger and healthier. Now before you start looking for a shortcut to living younger, consider that anti-inflammatory medications will not automatically provide the same health benefits. That handful of pills carries an increased risk of stroke (in otherwise healthy individuals) among other problems. You can't cheat your way to better health, but there is another way to boost your inflammation-killing routine even further: an anti-inflammation diet. Combine regular physical activity with an anti-inflammation diet to supercharge your health. The basics of an anti-inflammation diet include:
For more on an anti-inflammation diet read our article. Take charge of your health and see how much you can benefit from naturally reducing your inflammation. ![]() Top athletes are currently competing in London at the Summer Olympics to be crowned the strongest, fastest, most accurate in the world, and perhaps in history. The separation between gold and empty hands is often a split second or a fraction of a point. So what are the world's best athletes doing to gain a competitive edge over their opponents? Performance Enhancers: Sports Drinks vs. Bananas We have been trained by Gatorade to believe we need their colorful sugar water to perform at our best. Commercials show their scientists working with athletes in the lab to determine the best formula to unlock the secret of record-breaking performance. Professional athletes sweat neon green, red, and blue as they accomplish feats of superhuman strength. Olympic athletes are guzzling sports drinks by the gallon, right? Probably not. What's the research say about sports drinks' performance claims? A recent study reviewed 431 performance-enhancing claims for 104 different sports drinks and other products. Half of the products referenced no research for their claims, with the rest relying on 146 referenced studies. Half of those studies could not be reviewed. Only 3 studies out of 146 were determined to be of high quality. Conclusion: proof that sports drinks or other performance-enhancing products work is sorely lacking. The battle of sports drinks vs. bananas Another recent study compared the performance of cyclists drinking a sports drink vs. eating a banana. "Trained cyclists consumed either a cup of carbohydrate drink or half a banana every 15 minutes during a 75-kilometer simulated road race lasting 2.5 to 3 hours. Blood samples taken from the cyclists before and after the exercise were analyzed..." The winner of this athletic bout was bananas. Performance levels were similar in both groups, but bananas had the advantage: Bananas win as performance enhancers! "The bananas provided the cyclists with antioxidants not found in sports drinks as well as a greater nutritional boost, including fiber, potassium and Vitamin B6, the study showed. In addition, bananas have a healthier blend of sugars than sports drinks...'This type of research shows that you can have healthier carbohydrate sources before and after exercise that will support athletic performance just as well as a sports drink.'” ![]() Chiropractic keeps Bolt running. Usain Bolt, the World's Fastest Man's Treatment Secret Usain Bolt hasn't become the five-time World and three-time Olympic gold medalist, world record holder in the 100 meters, 200 meters, and 4×100 meters relay without taking proper care of his health. A doctor of chiropractic from Florida has been the official Chiropractor of the Jamaican Olympic Team since 1996. One of his patients is Usain Bolt, the world's fastest man. Chiropractic care helps keep Bolt healthy and performing at his best. With stiff competition in London, he'll need every advantage he can get to extend his reign as the world's fastest man. Unfortunately, his fastest competitor is also on the Jamaican team sharing the same doctor of chiropractic, and over 50 other chiropractors are official Olympic team physicians treating athletes. Bolt better go eat some bananas. Enhance your performance and your health naturally, with chiropractic care and proper nutrition. We recommend keeping the consumption of sports drinks to a minimum. These are designed to benefit only those athletes performing at an intense level for prolonged periods of time. Even those athletes are just as likely to benefit from a healthier snack, like a banana and drink of water. You don't need sports drinks to be the healthiest man in the world; just proper nutrition and a good doctor of chiropractic. ![]() Normally we would tell you to run the other way when someone offers you a chocolate milk, but you can make a healthy chocolate milk at home. Follow this simple recipe to whip up a refreshing drink you and your kids can enjoy. 1. 1/4 cup of good quality milk Good quality milk means the least processed milk you can find. Look for whole milk that hasn't been industrially processed to remove fat and homogenize it. Choose organic when you can to avoid antibiotics and hormones. Use milk from grassfed cows whenever possible. Coconut milk is a good substitute. 2. 2 good quality eggs Eggs? What? You're going to mix those in? Yes. Just make sure you're using good eggs - organic to avoid chemicals and strange feeds, and try to find pasture-raised eggs for a heftier dose of omega-3s and other important nutrients. The eggs add a nice creaminess and a good source of healthy fats and protein. 3. 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder As with all ingredients, try to get the real stuff. Avoid powders with added junk. Real chocolate is packed with antioxidants. 4. Stevia extract as needed to sweeten You can try some of the stevia products available in local stores. One brand we like is KAL, available on amazon.com. Stevia is very sweet so you don't need much (some servings are no more than a couple drops for plenty of sweetness). It's extracted from an herb and is naturally low calorie. If you don't have Stevia, try a touch of minimally processed honey. 5. 1 Scoop of quality protein (optional) Protein mixes can be a healthy addition to your diet, but be careful to choose one that avoids heating the protein and adding processed sweeteners or other chemicals. Learn more about protein mixes here. Blend and enjoy your delicious & healthy chocolate milk You can vary the amount of milk or eggs for the desired thickness. Vary the amount of cocoa or stevia to find the desired richness & sweetness. Other options: Add 1 TBSP kefir for 1 billion CFU of beneficial probiotics Add a capsule of vitamin D3 for a much needed boost for northeast Ohioans Add krill oil or fish oil for more healthy omega-3 fats Eating healthy can be delicious. It's all about eating real foods. Enjoy Dr Ryan's healthy chocolate milk recipe with your family. ![]() Two studies on diabetes have been in the news recently. One looked at the relationship of diabetes and consumption of white rice, while the other looked at diabetes and sleep. Diabetes & Rice Consumption A meta-analysis reviewed four studies covering 13,284 cases of type 2 diabetes among 352,384 participants over 4 to 22 years. The researchers found those eating the highest amount of white rice have a 27% greater risk of developing diabetes. Results showed with each increase in rice serving per day, risk of type 2 diabetes rose by 11%. These results are not surprising considering white rice is a processed food that is high in carbohydrates. Processed grains tend to spike blood sugar levels and increase insulin resistance, leading to a higher risk of diabetes or worsening of the condition for those who already have it. Even whole grains like whole brown rice or wild rice should be consumed in limited quantities to avoid their high level of sugars. Further research has linked reduced insulin sensitivity to increased inflammation, which leads to a variety of chronic health problems. To reduce your risk of diabetes and other chronic problems, avoid processed/refined grains and limit whole grains in your diet. Diabetes & Sleep Prior population studies have indicated there is a link between lack of sleep and increased risk of diabetes and chronic conditions. Researchers have now published the results of an experiment that confirmed the link in a lab. "Healthy adults spent >5 weeks under controlled laboratory conditions in which they experienced [optimal] sleep, 3 weeks of sleep restriction (5.6 hours of sleep per 24 hours) combined with [abnormal day length], followed by 9 days of recovery sleep with [normal 24 hour days]." The researchers checked blood sugar levels throughout the experiment and found an increase in blood sugar when sleep was restricted or disrupted. Once sleep returned to normal, blood sugar levels improved again. Researchers concluded that restricted or disrupted sleep "alters metabolism and could increase the risk of obesity and diabetes." Our advice may not be easy, but it is simple: sleep well. And if you really want to avoid diabetes, don't wake up in the middle of the night to eat rice. ![]() Research Shows Probiotics Prevent Diarrhea MedPage Today reports on research that shows probiotics prevent diarrhea resulting from the use of antibiotics. Diarrhea is a common side effect that occurs after taking antibiotics; experienced in as many as 30% of patients. Probiotics are live microorganisms (in most cases, bacteria) that are similar to beneficial microorganisms found in the human gut. They are also called 'friendly bacteria' or 'good bacteria'. You can add these healthy microorganisms to your diet by taking supplements or by eating fermented foods. Learn more about probiotics and fermented foods in our recent post. What Did The Probiotics Research Show? The researchers performed a meta-analysis in which they reviewed multiple studies that have been performed. They analyzed 82 randomly controlled studies on the subject and found a significant reduction in antibiotic-related diarrhea for those patients who received probiotics. Various probiotic strains were used including bacteria and yeasts. All tested strains demonstrated some benefit in preventing diarrhea, with an average reduced risk of 42%. How Do Probiotics Prevent Diarrhea? The researchers explain the benefit of probiotics: "Potentially, probiotics maintain or restore gut microecology during or after antibiotic treatment through receptor competition, competition for nutrients, inhibition of epithelial and mucosal adherence of pathogens, introduction of lower colonic pH favoring the growth of nonpathogenic species, stimulation of immunity, or production of antimicrobial substances." Translation: Taking probiotics returns good bugs to our gut after antibiotics kill them. They compete against the bad bugs for nutrients and space, so it is harder for the bad bugs to develop into an infection. These healthy bugs also help stimulate our immune system. Probiotics are basically the opposite of antibiotics. Instead of taking a pill that kills any microorganisms in your body (good or bad), you take a supplement that increases the number of healthy microorganisms that should be in your body. This restores the natural balance and helps the immune system work as it should. Do Probiotics Benefit Children & Adults? Most of the research has been performed on adults, but studies on children have also noted significant benefit to using probiotics as well. They are considered to be very safe. One possible risk is when used in neonates that have been born prematurely and have an immune deficiency. Babies should be enjoying the immune enhancing benefits from their mother's breastmilk anyway. You can enjoy the benefits of probiotics by taking a supplement or eating fermented foods - learn more here. ![]() You may not be familiar with "fermented foods", but you have probably eaten them and enjoyed their probiotic benefits. Yogurt is likely the best known of fermented foods in America, and yogurt makers have recently increased their marketing to educate consumers on the health benefits of probiotics. What Are Probiotics? The National Institute of Health defines probiotics as "live microorganisms (in most cases, bacteria) that are similar to beneficial microorganisms found in the human gut. They are also called 'friendly bacteria' or 'good bacteria'." Our body is swarming with trillions of these bacteria that help our body maintain a balance and stay healthy. A lot of these organisms are in our digestion system to help us digest certain foods. They play an important role in supporting our immune system among other benefits. What Are Fermented Foods? Fermented foods are made with bacteria or yeast that consume their sugars and leave behind lactic acid or alcohol. For our purposes, we are primarily talking about fermentation that increases lactic acid content and not alcohol. This increase in lactic acid helps prevent harmful bacteria from growing, which makes the food safer to eat and allows it to be stored longer. Most cultures around the world include some type of fermented food in their diet. These cultures all found that fermenting foods provides a number of benefits. Fermented foods contain healthy probiotics to keep our digestive system properly balanced, and the process makes certain nutrients easier to digest for us so we can get more out of the food we eat. It also adds a flavorful tang. Common fermented foods consumed around the world: ![]()
What If We Don't Eat Fermented Foods? We recommend everyone try to include fermented foods in their diet on a regular basis (at least weekly; daily is better). Watch out for two issues:
If you don't eat any fermented foods, consider a probiotic supplement. These often come in capsule or liquid form. Similar to the foods, just make sure to check ingredients so the company is not including sugars or other unhealthy junk. These should be taken on a regular basis, but can be especially helpful when noticing digestive issues or infections. What About Prebiotics? Prebiotics are indigestible food ingredients that stimulate the growth and maintenance of beneficial gut microbiota. Essentially, it's food that we can't digest, but it feeds healthy bacteria in our gut. While probiotics receive most of the attention, consuming prebiotics are just as important. Soluble fiber from fresh fruits and vegetables serve as prebiotics that feed the healthy organisms in our digestive tract. This is one more reason why its so important to eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Fermented foods are great because they can provide both probiotics and prebiotics in one tasty package.
We should also consider avoiding foods that feed unhealthy bacteria and cause problems with our microbial balance. Limit sugars, artificial sweeteners, and chemicals. Go out and eat some fermented foods today - your gut will thank you. ![]() ADHD waiting to be diagnosed? With the increasing use of cell phones by adults and children, questions about potential harmful effects of cell phone radiation have been growing. Researchers at Yale University and the Yale School of Medicine recently released results of a study on mice indicating that "exposure to radiation from cell phones during pregnancy affects the brain development of offspring, potentially leading to hyperactivity." exposure to radiation from cell phones during pregnancy affects brain development The researchers placed an active cell phone (muted and silenced) receiving calls over one cage of pregnant mice, while a deactivated cell phone was placed over another cage. Once the mice grew to become adults, brain activity was measured and psychological tests performed. They noted "mice that were exposed to radiation tended to be more hyperactive and had reduced memory capacity." Researchers concluded that exposure to cell phone radiation while in the womb could play a role in the increasing rates of ADHD and other behavioral disorders in US children. Should you throw out your cell phone? We're holding onto our cell phones for now, but it would be prudent to limit cell phone use around children and pregnant women. Here's three easy tips to reduce radiation exposure from your phone: 1. Text with the phone further from your body rather that talking on it. 2. Save long conversations for face-to-face or landlines. 3. Try to use cell phones in areas where the signal is strongest, which requires less radiation to be emitted by the phone. Expect to see further research on this issue over the next several years. ![]() Diabetics may be able to improve their DNA with exercise One of our favorite topics is the growing research on epigenetics and healthy lifestyle. Epigenetics refers to the expression of our genes. Think of each gene in our DNA having an up and down switch that controls whether the gene works a lot or a little. This is a powerful topic because it shows that we can change our genes with simple lifestyle choices like eating well and exercising. We are not slaves to "bad genes". A recent study on epigenetics found that within just a few hours of exercise, genes involved in muscle oxidation, DNA transcription, and glucose regulation were upregulated (told to "work harder"). Researchers had thought these types of changes were slow to occur, so there is excitement about the speed at which these positive changes happened. Genes that reduce a diabetics ability to regulate sugar were positively improved with exercise. The scientists involved noted the important application of their findings to diabetes. Prior research has shown diabetics have an altered expression of these genes in their muscles. They are not as active as they should be. It helps explain why diabetics are less sensitive to insulin and have trouble regulating glucose levels. The same genes that reduce a diabetic's ability to regulate sugar with insulin were positively improved with exercise. The benefits of exercise for diabetics was clear already, but this new research sheds light on the benefits of exercise at a genetic level. This makes sense. Our bodies are designed to move and be active. When we move our bodies they work the way they are meant to and adapt well to a changing environment. When we don't move our bodies, we're in trouble. Exercise once for a few hours and your DNA is set for life, right? So you can exercise once for a few hours and your DNA is set for life, right? Nope. The researchers found that the positive epigenetic changes reversed several hours later. Clearly, regular exercise (not hours a day) is the key to making healthy changes. Expect future research to explore how a long-term exercise program results in long-term epigenetic benefits. For now, get away from the computer and get moving. R. Barres et al., “Acute Exercise Remodels Promoter Methylation in Human Skeletal Muscle,” Cell Metabolism 15:405-11, 2012. ![]() Can you spot the pink slime in this meat? The media has been ablaze lately with two stories related to the meat you eat, and red meat has ended up on the losing side of a bloody battle. Enjoy this summary of recent events with our view on the topic. "Pink Slime" It all started with articles revealing the frequent use of "pink slime" as an unlabeled filler in beef. It's made from fatty meat trimmings left over after other meat cuts have been removed from the cow. The trimmings are heated to about 100 degrees F and spun in a centrifuge to reduce fat. Because these trimmings come from dirtier areas of the cow that are more likely to be contaminated with bacteria, the resulting mix of lean trimmings are exposed to ammonium hydroxide gas to kill bacteria like E.coli and salmonella. The sanitized trimmings are compressed into blocks and sold for use in ground or processed meat. This cheap filler is added to meat without any labels telling the consumer it's there. You won't find "pink slime" on any ingredient list. The company that makes it calls it "lean, finely textured beef", but you won't find that on the label either. The government doesn't consider the ammonium hydroxide to be an ingredient, and otherwise considers the processed trimmings a "healthy" form of lean beef. What's to label? Lean beef is healthy. Major grocery stores continued to say "yum." With an overwhelming sound of disgust (and perhaps regurgitation) from Americans, McDonald's and other fast food chains quickly sent out press releases that they would no longer use "pink slime" as a cheap filler in their meat. Unfortunately, major grocery stores continued to say "yum." A report noted several major grocery stores consider it to be healthy and would continue to add it to their meat without labeling it. The USDA reportedly purchased 7 millions pounds of the "healthy" product and noted it would continue to be a part of school lunches. It was only a matter of time before the grocery store owners noticed the full disgust of the American public. Most major grocery stores (including Safeway, Kroger, Supervalu, and Giant Foods) now will stop selling "pink slime", but noted they will sell the rest of their current stock. Others including Walmart and Sam's Club noted they will start selling meat without it, but will not stop selling meat with it. The USDA has even stated that schools may choose whether they want to feed their students with the product to keep costs low. Some districts have publicly stated they will no longer feed students "pink slime". It looks like Americans' backlash is winning this war, but don't expect "pink slime" to completely disappear from the American diet any time soon. And if you're expecting a label now, we wouldn't bet our lean, finely textured beef on it. ![]() Red Meat & Cancer In other news, research reported the link between consumption of red meat and cancer. An observational study looked at the reported diet of several thousand Americans and their health history over 22-28 years. There were no groups fed meat compared to groups living on veggies. It was simply an observation trying to link health conditions and diet. Researchers noted an increase in cardiovascular disease and cancer death for those eating red meat. Case closed, right? Not all red meat is created equal. Not so fast. Not all red meat is created equal. Research has noted a significant nutritional difference in beef raised on a pasture compared to beef raised on a factory farm. Pastured cows eat primarily grass and develop a healthier fat composition. Their meat actually contains more healthy omega-3 fats, which have been reported as good for the heart and brain, among other benefits. It also contains more CLA, a fat that has been linked to a reduced risk of cancer. In contrast, cows fattened up on cheap grains, injected with hormones, and fed antibiotics tend to have much fattier meat and the type of fats in their meat is more harmful. This rather major detail was overlooked in the study. Based on common sense and quality research, our doctors find grass fed or pasture-raised beef without additives can play a role in a healthy diet. Local farms provide a good source for this healthy meat. From Oregon State University: Researchers in the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University have discovered yet another reason why the “sulforaphane”compound in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables is so good for you – it provides not just one, but two ways to prevent cancer through the complex mechanism of epigenetics. ![]() Broccoli is more than just good looks Sulforaphane, can help restore proper balance and prevent the development of cancer. This is one of the most promising areas of much cancer research. But the new OSU studies have found a second epigenetic mechanism, DNA methylation, which plays a similar role. “Cancer is very complex and it’s usually not just one thing that has gone wrong,” said Emily Ho, an associate professor in the Linus Pauling Institute and the OSU College of Public Health and Human Sciences. “It’s increasingly clear that sulforaphane is a real multi-tasker. The more we find out about it, the more benefits it appears to have.” This research, which was published in the journal Clinical Epigenetics, primarily studied the effect on prostate cancer cells. But the same processes are probably relevant to many other cancers as well, researchers said, including colon and breast cancer. oregonstate.edu For those unfamiliar epigenetics, this is a growing area of research that has revealed the ability of our lifestyle choices (like eating broccoli) to change the activity of our DNA. It won't change the genes, but it can switch them on or off. The natural phytochemicals in broccoli basically flip a switch in your genes that tells them to grow in a healthier way. Epigenetic research has increasingly shown that our daily habits play a powerful role in determining whether we develop heart disease, cancer, and a variety of chronic conditions. Take control of your health and eat your vegetables.
Common cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, and brussel sprouts. Mom was right. These veggies pack a powerful nutritional punch. Try to include them regularly in your diet, especially anyone with an increased risk of cancer. Make sure to eat some of these veggies raw to avoid cooking away the beneficial nutrients. When cooking, using lower heat for a limited time is best. Don't cook them into a mush. It's hard to keep up with all of the recent health news, so here's a rundown on the latest. ![]() Sleeping Pills Called 'as Risky as Cigarettes' Study Links Sleeping Pills to 4.6-Fold Higher Death Risk WebMD recently reported on research that showed a surprisingly high death rate related to taking sleeping pills. Researchers estimate that sleeping pills are linked to 320,000 to 507,000 U.S. deaths each year: The top third of sleeping-pill users had a 5.3-fold higher death risk. They also had a 35% higher risk of cancer, the study found. "We are not certain. But it looks like sleeping pills could be as risky as smoking cigarettes. It looks much more dangerous to take these pills than to treat insomnia another way," study leader Daniel F. Kripke, MD, tells WebMD. The sleeping pills in question are known as hypnotics. They include newer drugs such as zolpidem (the best known brand name is Ambien) as well as older drugs such as temazepam (the best known brand name is Restoril). In their latest study, Kripke's team analyzed 2002-2007 data from a large Pennsylvania health system. They obtained medical records for 10,529 people who were prescribed hypnotic sleeping pills and for 23,676 matched patients who were never prescribed sleeping pills. "We think these sleeping pills are very dangerous. We think they cause death. We think they cause cancers," Kripke says. "It is possible but not proven that reducing the use of these pills would lower the U.S. death rate." You may want to consider alternatives when possible. Natural sleep aids like melatonin were not linked to these risks. Read the full story here on WebMD. More Evidence Omega-3 Rich Diet May Protect Aging Brain Medscape Medical News recently reported on research published in the Journal of Neurology that indicates increased omega-3 fat consumption is beneficial for brain health: New data from the Framingham Offspring Study cohort suggest that higher dietary intake of the omega-3 fatty acids docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) may help protect the aging brain. Results showed that lower red blood cell (RBC) levels of DHA and EPA in late middle age were associated with smaller brain volumes and a "vascular" pattern of cognitive impairment, even in persons free of clinical dementia. "People with lower blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids had lower brain volumes that were equivalent to about 2 years of structural brain aging," study author Zaldy S. Tan, MD, MPH, from the Easton Center for Alzheimer's Disease Research and the Division of Geriatrics, University of California, Los Angeles, comments in a written statement. This study, Dr. Tan told Medscape Medical News, "adds to the current body of evidence on the beneficial health effects of omega-3 fatty acids." However, he said, it is premature to make clinical recommendations solely based on this study. "It needs to be validated in other populations and extended to clinical trials, which may be able to provide more specific recommendations." "With that said, people who are already consuming fish as part of a balanced diet can take stock in the promising findings of this study that omega-3 fatty acid may benefit not only their heart but their brain as well," Dr. Tan said. The findings were published in the February 28 issue of Neurology. Read the Medscape article here. If you're not including fish in your diet, add it or add a good quality fish oil to supply your omega-3 fats. Statin Labels Will Come With New Safety Warnings
CNN reported on changes in labeling for cholesterol medications, which will warn of newly recognized risks: An entire class of statin drugs will get new labels that alert the public to safety concerns, the Food and Drug Administration announced Tuesday. Statins, which treat cholesterol, now will come with labels that include a warning that the drugs, taken by almost 32 million Americans, can cause memory loss and confusion. The FDA says reports in general have not been serious, and the symptoms subsided when patients stopped taking the medications. The new labeling will also warn doctors and patients that statins can cause hyperglycemia, an increase in blood sugar levels and increase the risk of Type 2 diabetes. Amy Egan, deputy director for safety in the FDA's Division of Metabolism and Endocrinology Products, says the agency looked at the adverse events reported to determine the scope of the problem. They can't say what caused the memory loss and confusion, but it seems to be a class effect and a rare event. While these medications may be helpful for some patients, most see dramatic improvement in a short time in their cholesterol when they eliminate processed food from their diet and eat more whole foods like fruit, vegetables, and good quality fat & protein. Some patients have come to our clinic for aches and pains, and we figured out their painful complaints were related to their cholesterol medication. Once they improved their cholesterol with better eating habits and their physician no longer recommended the medication, most of the muscle aches went away. Read the full CNN article here. ![]() There are plenty of excuses for not eating healthy. The most common complaint is that it costs too much. Most won't argue that they could actually save money in the long run by avoiding expenses for health problems related to unhealthy eating. But what about right now? Here's 7 tips to help you spend less now (and later) while eating healthier.
You don't have to be rich to eat healthy. It just takes a little effort, but it's worth it. ![]() Pop Quiz: Who consumes the most antibiotics in this country? A. Humans B. Livestock (including the animals we eat) C. Cousin Bob, he's always sick with something It has been reported that more antibiotics are consumed by our farm animals than by humans in the US. Our last blog post discussed the efforts of the the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to help physicians reduce the use of antibiotics for children and adults. Unfortunately, the farm industry has been slower to respond. The CDC reported in 2005, "In the United States, data on the quantity of antibiotics given to food animals is not available to the public or to government agencies. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, about 25 million pounds of antibiotics and related drugs are used every year in livestock for nontherapeutic purposes. The Animal Health Institute estimates that 20.2 million pounds of antibiotics were produced for use in farm and companion animals in 2003." Why are so many antibiotics being used on farm animals (and what are "nontherapeutic purposes")? The CDC reports, "Antibiotics are used in food-producing animals for three major reasons:
Do you notice anything odd here? While doctors recommend humans take antibiotics only when they are sick with a bacterial infection, our animals are given antibiotics to prevent infections and to cause them to gain weight (more pounds = more $$$). Often farmers are not therapeutically treating sick animals. They are using antibiotics to fatten up animals quicker, and as an easy way to keep them from becoming sick. The Union of Concerned Scientists notes, "This type of 'disease prevention' is a crutch that allows [factory farm] operators to avoid good husbandry practices that could avoid and manage disease outbreaks responsibly, and is the ideal breeding ground for antibiotic-resistance." Based on the CDC's information above, we can assume the farms using antibiotics to fatten their animals must not provide "animal production settings with good sanitation", otherwise this wouldn't work. A sanitary environment seems like a reasonable "good husbandry practice" to expect from farms. Other issues involve crowding the animals in limited space and feeding them unnatural foods (primarily corn-based diets) that tend to bring on these diseases. Because of increasing antibiotic use, the CDC is concerned about growing resistance to antibiotics and started "Get Smart: Know When Antibiotics Work On The Farm". The CDC notes, "Antibiotic resistance is a food safety problem for several reasons:
![]() These healthy cattle are grown locally without antibiotics. How do resistant bacteria spread from animals to humans? The CDC notes, "Resistant bacteria may be transferred to humans through the food supply or direct contact with animals. For example, Campylobacter lives in the intestines of chickens. People get Campylobacter diarrhea primarily from eating undercooked chicken. In 1989, none of the Campylobacter strains from ill persons that CDC tested were resistant to fluoroquinolone antibiotics. In 1995, the FDA approved the use of fluoroquinolones in poultry. Soon afterwards, doctors found Campylobacter strains from ill persons that were resistant to fluoroquinolone antibiotics." What does the CDC say about this health risk? "The use of antibiotics to promote growth is widespread in food animal production. Antibiotics used for growth promotion increase the pressure for bacteria to become resistant. To address this public health problem, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended that antibiotics not be used for this purpose. It is determined that this practice is unsafe for the public's health (World Health Organization)." There is growing agreement that farmers should at least stop using antibiotics as a cheap way to fatten their livestock, and we may see legislation to stop this. It will be harder to convince factory farms to give up using antibiotics as a preventive health measure. They would have to provide a more sanitary environment with more space for the animals and provide healthier feed to keep them from becoming sick. That costs money. The best way to encourage positive change is by avoiding meat grown with antibiotics. We recommend looking for meat that is grown without antibiotics (or hormones) to avoid any potential harm to your health. Organic foods are grown without the chemicals or medication. Pasture-raised or grass fed animals are even better. Farms will only produce what sells, so buy the good stuff. Find more information about this topic on the CDC's website. ![]() The Center for Disease Control (CDC) started a program called "Get Smart: Know When Antibiotics Work" to educate Americans about the overuse of antibiotics and the growing danger of antibiotic resistance. With coughs, sneezes and sore throats (oh my!) going around, we want to help share this important information. The following is from the CDC website: Facts About Antibiotic Resistance
Facts About Antibiotic Prescribing
![]() Colds or Runny Nose Since the common cold is caused by a virus, antibiotics will not help it get better. A runny nose or cold almost always gets better on its own, so it is better to wait and take antibiotics only when they are needed. Taking antibiotics when they are not needed can be harmful. Sore Throat When a sore throat is caused by a virus or irritation from the air, antibiotic treatment will not help it get better. Most sore throats will improve on their own within 1-2 weeks. Antibiotics are needed if a healthcare provider diagnoses you or your child with strep throat, which is caused by bacteria. Strep throat cannot be diagnosed by looking in the throat – a lab test must also be done. Ear Infections When an ear infection is caused by a virus, antibiotic treatment will not help it get better. Ear infections will often get better on their own without antibiotic treatment. Your healthcare provider will determine what treatment is best for you or your child. Your healthcare provider will consider several factors when determining if antibiotics are needed for you or your child: age, severity of illness, diagnostic certainty, and follow-up options. Bronchitis (chest cold) Antibiotics will rarely be needed since acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis are almost always caused by a virus and chronic bronchitis requires other therapies. If your healthcare provider diagnoses you or your child with another type of respiratory infection such as pneumonia or whooping cough, antibiotics will most likely be prescribed. Sinusitis (sinus infection) When sinusitis is caused by a virus or irritation in the air (like cigarette smoke), antibiotics will not help it get better. Acute sinusitis will almost always get better on its own. It is better to wait and take antibiotics only when they are needed. What You Can Do to Feel Better
We would also recommend eating as well as possible (mom's homemade chicken soup) and don't forget your vitamins. Find more information on appropriate antibiotic use on the CDC website. A future post will explore the CDC's report and recommendations on the use of antibiotics fed to our farm animals, which may also be contributing to antibiotic resistance: "According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, about 25 million pounds of antibiotics and related drugs are used every year in livestock for nontherapeutic purposes. The Animal Health Institute estimates that 20.2 million pounds of antibiotics were produced for use in farm and companion animals in 2003." Stay tuned... ![]() Tai chi can help with balance and stability. Exercise has been recognized as an important part of the management of Parkinson’s disease to slow the deterioration of motor function and to prolong functional independence. Now research on alternative forms of exercise, such as tai chi, are showing potentially more improvement in balance, gait, and function in patients with Parkinson’s disease. In the four-year project funded by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, researchers randomly assigned 195 patients to one of three exercise groups: tai chi, resistance training, or stretching. The patients participated in 60-minute exercise sessions twice a week for 24 weeks. The results of the study showed that the tai chi group performed consistently better than the stretching group in how far they could lean in any direction without losing balance, as well as demonstrating better levels of directional control of the body and walking ability, such as longer stride length. Tai chi participants also outperformed those in the resistance training group on the balance and stride length measures. Finally, tai chi training was shown to significantly lower the incidence of falls compared to stretching, and was as equally effective as resistance training in reducing falls. Read more... Exercise is an important part of maintaining health and mobility as we age. Improved balance is one of the many benefits researchers have documented with regular exercise. Tai chi is becoming increasing popular as a low to moderate intensity exercise option for any age. It can be performed almost anywhere and does not require equipment. For those looking to improve their balance or general health, tai chi is a great exercise to consider. 2/6/2012 NE Patriots and NY Giants: The Essential Role of Chiropractic Care to Super Bowl XLVIRead Now![]() CARMICHAEL, Calif. – Feb. 1, 2012 – The Foundation for Chiropractic Progress, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness about the value of chiropractic care, points to the role of the team Doctors of Chiropractic (DCs) in optimizing functionality, endurance and overall conditioning. Dr. Michael Miller of the Patriots and Dr. Robert DeStefano of the Giants explain that chiropractic is fundamental to the consequences of jarring impacts, enhancing body mechanics and joint motion while improving structural balance vital to preventing and addressing many common injuries. “Professional athletes rely greatly on the coordinated efforts of the entire healthcare team, comprised of athletic trainers, rehabilitation specialists, physical therapists, orthopedists and chiropractors,” says Dr. DeStefano. “With the exception of 24/7 availability, preparing for Super Bowl is no different than the regular season. As injuries present themselves, we work systematically to provide the athlete with the care needed. In the end, we hope for quick recovery and high-level performance.” Dr. Miller adds, “Most of our players will get adjusted prior to games to adequately prepare their bodies for battle. Several times during the playoffs, incidents occurred that required chiropractic care and, subsequent to sideline treatment, players were able to return to action the following play. We expect to have the same efficiency going into and during the Super Bowl.” Viewed by both teams as a valuable healthcare component, chiropractic care is commonly used to address neuromusculoskeletal strain injuries, including neck pain, low back pain, strains to the hamstring and quadriceps, and certain whiplash injuries. Additionally, it provides treatment for other extremity problems, such as temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ), carpal and tarsal tunnel misalignments, and shoulder, elbow, knee and ankle tribulations. Being involved with the Patriots for over 30 years, Dr. Miller knows first-hand that the players appreciate the service he provides, and he is excited to enter another Super Bowl together, sharing, “As we get closer, I'm reminded of a mantra from head coach Bill Belichick who says, 'Do your job. If done well, it will reap rewards.' I wish both teams health through this next game and may the best team WIN!” The NFL has come a long way and so has their appreciation of chiropractic. Chiropractic care was once considered unusual in the NFL, but now every team has a chiropractor on staff. Why? Because it works and players demanded it to keep them healthy and help them win. The video below shows how Joe Montana and other 49ers once had to get chiropractic care on their own to help them deal with the repeated injuries sustained on the field. Now players like Jerry Rice and Aaron Rodgers regularly discuss the value of chiropractic care and how it has helped them succeed in the game. ![]() "A new scientific breakthrough in meat may change the way people classify their eating habits. Scientists have figured out how to produce animal flesh in a lab, and will soon be marketing it for consumption. This man-made meat has huge implications for the future of food, as it is entirely different from the current vegetarian tofu-based substitutes." "Globally there are about thirty projects in development to create more of these meat cultures, which NASA scientists have already proved to be possible. The demand for research in this area is very high, as companies are very interested in investing in these products. If successful, man-made meat can largely replace traditional meat simply because it was created without any cruelty to animals and produced in a sustainable manner." - dailyfoodtoeat.com Next time you stop by your favorite restaurant, the daily special could be grilled tenderloin (grown extra tender in the lab) and a side of genetically modified corn and mashed potatoes. Doesn't it make your mouth water? In case you didn't know, the corn you eat is most likely already genetically modified (most of it is in the US). At least you could count on your meat coming from an animal before.
Whether this meat is healthy or not, it will likely follow the same path that genetically modified foods have in the United States:
At the very least, these foods should be clearly labeled so consumers can make a choice. We recommend consumers avoid these unnatural foods until long term independent research has been performed to determine whether they are safe for human consumption. Research demonstrating it's healthy would be even better. ![]() Apples: Taste the Pesticides in Every Bite With organic fruits and vegetables now sold in almost every grocery store, is it time to take a bite? Today's fruits and vegetables are regularly doused with a variety of toxic chemicals to keep pests away. Over 50 different pesticides are found on peaches alone. More consumers are choosing organic to avoid potential risks. But when do you get what you pay for? The Environmental Working Group has performed an analysis comparing pesticide levels in common fruits & vegetables sold in America. The resulting Shopper's Guide to Pesticides "ranks pesticide contamination for 53 popular fruits and vegetables based on an analysis of 51,000 tests for pesticides on these foods, conducted from 2000 to 2009 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the federal Food and Drug Administration. Nearly all the studies on which the guide is based tested produce after it had been rinsed or peeled." The EWG Shopper's Guide has developed two lists to help you know when buying organic is worth the money. The Dirty Dozen includes produce covered in high concentrations of a chemical cocktail (even after rinsing and peeling). The Clean Fifteen include the cleanest produce that have the least amount of chemical residue. ![]() No Worries Munching on These Onions _The Clean Fifteen: The Dirty Dozen:
Go Forth & Be Fruitful. What we recommendation when considering organic produce:
1/17/2012 Annals of Internal Medicine: Chiropractic & Exercise Better than Meds for Neck PainRead NowA study recently published in the Annals of Internal Medicine compared the treatment of 272 adults with neck pain lasting at least 2 weeks. They were treated with chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy (SMT), home exercises, or medications (anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxers, pain killers). Improvement was periodically evaluated over 52 weeks.
The researchers found that chiropractic and exercise were significantly more beneficial than medications for patients suffering neck pain. This significant improvement was noted within 8 weeks for chiropractic treatment and within 26 weeks for home exercises. The improved benefit lasted at least 52 weeks (the length of the study). Read the neck pain study here. |
AuthorsDr Aaron McMichael + Dr Ryan McMichael Categories
October 2024
_Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor. This blog is not a doctor and will not diagnose or treat your problems.