Many choose juice as a healthier alternative to soda but how much healthier is it? Take a peek at these two labels and see what you think: These are nutrition labels from common beverages you can find in the store. One is a 12 oz orange juice and the other is a 12 oz soda. One has a few more calories while the other has a little more sugar. Which is which? Which one is a better choice?
Neither of these are healthy choices. You probably figured out that the one on the left is the juice and the one on the right is the soda. They are both loaded with sugars and will spike your blood sugar and insulin resulting in increased inflammation in your body that will contribute to a variety of chronic diseases. What about vitamin C? But what about the vitamin C in orange juice? When you consume vitamin C with a high amount of sugar, they compete to get inside your cells, so the sugar essentially wipes out the benefit of the vitamin C. Orange juice is not a good source of vitamin C just because it says so on the label. Forget the juice or the pop. Choose water. And if you want a treat that provides a little nutritional benefit, eat an orange.
![]() The first thought that comes to mind with Halloween is not usually health. It's more likely to be candy and other treats. As Halloween ushers in the holiday season, now is the time to plan ahead and prepare to avoid the onslaught of sweets and resulting hit to your health. Here are a few tips to enjoy Halloween in a healthier way. 1. Celebrate apples - it's apple season and you can load up on local apples at a great price. Kids love bobbing or trying hanging apples (see left photo). For more of a treat, make some homemade applesauce (without sweetener) or add a little dark chocolate or nut butter to some apple slices. 2. Halloween fun - who said you have to pass out candy? Find inexpensive holiday party favors that kids can enjoy instead. 3. Get creative - if you are throwing a party, make fresh fruit and vegetables look fun or spooky. There are all kinds of easy ideas you can find online. Shape cut veggies like a skeleton or make carrots look like a pumpkin on a plate. 4. Eat pumpkin and don't toss the seeds - pumpkin makes a delicious treat with some seasoning, a little cream, and just a touch of sweetness. Skip the shell to minimize the sugar. And roast up those pumpkin seeds for a snack. 5. Go nuts - nuts are an easy snack that you can roast yourself or buy ready to go. Just avoid the ones coated in sugar. Use these tips and make your Halloween a healthier one for you and your family this year! ![]() For years, acetaminophen or Tylenol have been promoted as a safe alternative to other pain medications during pregnancy. However, a new analysis of 25 years of research has confirmed a higher risk of fetal development problems when acetaminophen is used during pregnancy. The study published in Nature Reviews Endocrinology, noted a link between acetaminophen use and an increase in genital malformations, ADHD, autism, hyperactivity, behavioral difficulties and reduction in IQ. Higher doses of acetaminophen were associated with higher rates of these problems. Acetaminophen is also known as paracetamol and can be found hundreds of products including DayQuil and Benadryl. The researchers are calling on the FDA to update guidance on the use of acetaminophen in pregnancy to urge more caution and reduce the potential risk to the developing fetus. Minimizing the use of medication during pregnancy is always important. The researchers noted 80% of women take at least one prescription or over-the-counter medicine during pregnancy with acetaminophen being most common. The body goes through significant changes during pregnancy and musculoskeletal issues are common. When dealing with painful musculoskeletal issues, consider including safe drug-free options like chiropractic care in your plan. Adjusting and soft tissue work can help provide relief without the risks associated with medication. Improved musculoskeletal function also helps make pregnancy and delivery easier for mom and baby. Simple posture changes, stretches, and other changes can often help as well. Set a goal to start your baby off drug free for a better chance at a healthy life. It's Posture Month! And there is growing concern about the damage digital devices are causing to our muscles and joints. It even has it's own name: "tech neck" or "text neck."
You have seen the teenagers slumped over a screen scrolling and tapping the day away on their phone or other device. These poor posture habits are causing headaches, neck and back problems younger and younger. By allowing the head to hang forward, this adds pounds of weight on the neck and upper back, eventually leading to aches and pains and chronic changes if not corrected. The problems created by poor posture are many, but the solution is simple: straighten up! Picture yourself as a puppet with a string attached to the top of your head. Now act like someone is pulling you straight up into a better posture. Your head should be directly over your shoulders with your chest up and shoulders back. Now you have to turn it into a habit so keep reminding yourself and hold the devices up so you stop looking down. Dr. Aaron McMichael shares some surprising information on the link between poor posture and a variety of health problems, as well as earlier death. Learn some simple tips to improve your health with better posture and extend your life! ![]() While back surgery may be medically necessary in specific cases, data is clear that these surgeries are performed far too often with research indicating perhaps 90% are unnecessary. Here are five simple ways to reduce your risk of back surgery while also improving your outcome with treatment:
![]() Most of us in Northeast Ohio don't need much encouragement to get back outside this time of year. Improving weather is enough to attract us away from our winter dens of hibernation. But with covid still leading the news, others need a little more encouragement so here are 7 reasons to get outside now:
Being outside is without a doubt healthier than spending your days indoor. Don't wait any longer. Get outside now and enjoy the many health benefits! ![]() Each year, ystark! and the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce award 20 community members under age 40 based on career acumen, community service and trusteeship, and personal and professional achievements. Dr. Aaron McMichael has been selected as a Twenty Under 40! award recipient for 2020. "When I look at current and past ward recipients (including my brother Dr. Ryan McMichael), it is an honor to be recognized for my service to patients and our community. The support of my wife and family allow me to do more to help others." Dr. McMichael has been active in multiple leadership positions in our regional North Central Academy of Chiropractic and the Ohio State Chiropractic Association. One of his priorities has been working on the Stark County Opioid and Addiction Task Force and OSCA Opioid Task Force to promote improved treatment of painful injuries to prevent opioid overuse and addiction. "While there are multiple factors contributing to the opioid problem, it is fundamentally an issue of mistreatment. We need to stop always choosing medication as a first option when health issues arise. Conservative options used first are much safer and often quite effective. These high-risk medications are best reserved for the limited cases that don't respond as well to drug-free care. I have appreciated the opportunity to work with Dr. Jud Sprandel and other colleagues and professionals to battle the opioid crisis. Much more work needs to be done, but we are starting to see changes that could profoundly improve the care and lives of patients." As an Eagle Scout, Dr. McMichael has enjoyed a return to scouting with his growing family. His sons, Simon and Oscar, are active in scouts as a boy scout and bear cub, and his wife Meghan leads the bear den with assistance from their daughter Elizabeth. One-year-old Philip is not quite old enough to join but enjoys being carried on a hike. Dr. McMichael currently serves as Cubmaster of Pack 4 in Canton and Troop 4 Committee Member. "It's great to see kids spend time outdoors, being active, and connecting with nature. We are made to be outside. Kids learn best and are healthiest when they are out being active and getting their hands dirty. Our family enjoys getting outside to hike, camp, or just play, and we encourage others to do the same. I appreciate the scout leaders who guided me as a young scout in developing not just outdoor skills, but leadership skills as well. I hope to help our young scouts grow and learn skills that will also serve them through life." Click here to read more in About Magazine. ![]() We have all heard the news about seniors being at increased risk of severe illness with coronavirus. It has especially taken a toll on those living in nursing homes. However, what has not been explained well is that it is not just about the number of your age. Research on covid patients indicates that your level of health, or lack of frailty, may be more important than how old you are. Frailty and Coronavirus Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, health care providers have been searching for the best indicators to help them evaluate the risk of serious illness with covid and guide treatment decisions. While advanced age tends to correlate with increased risk and is an easy number to use, it’s not the best indicator for patients. Most of the association between increased age and increased risk of severe illness is due to increasing co-morbidities that are more common as we age. Co-morbidities is just a special term for various health issues or chronic diseases. These could include obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and pulmonary disease among many others. What's Your Frailty Score? Researchers have found that frailty is a better indicator than age or co-morbidities when determining someone’s risk of severe illness with covid. Consider the chart to the right which makes assessing frailty easy. The frailest are those that are completely dependent on others for basic needs and/or approaching the end of life. A recent study published in Lancet found that the frailest are at much higher risk of death or prolonged hospital stay with covid. This is true regardless of age or co-morbidities. It is those in the 7-9 categories of frailness that are at high risk of death or severe illness. Based on this research, we should worry less about our age and more about our frailness. Take steps to increase your health and reduce your frailty score to limit your risk with covid. ![]() As with other viruses, research indicates coronavirus is more likely to cause harm in those patients with low levels of vitamin D, and sun or UV light is an effective method of disinfecting and killing the virus. How does the sun relate to vitamin D levels and why does it seem to help against coronavirus and other viruses? Research on Vitamin D and Coronavirus Several studies around the world have been published that demonstrate a link between low levels of vitamin D and increased risk of severe illness from coronavirus. These studies have shown a link across large populations as well as individuals that have been infected. These results are consistent with prior research that has shown vitamin D plays a role in protecting against acute respiratory infections. Coronavirus treatment protocols in some hospitals have included vitamin D supplementation with other procedures and medications to combat the infection. Researchers believe that vitamin D exerts a positive effect on modulation of our immune system in multiple ways. One of these ways may include its relationship with macrophages which are special cells that locate and “eat” microbes found in our body. Another way is reducing an excessive inflammatory response of the immune system. Others acknowledge the value of vitamin D but believe that the positive effects of vitamin D on coronavirus infection may relate more to its wide-ranging benefits on reducing chronic diseases. Let the Sun Shine on Coronavirus Hospitals have used UV light emitting technology for years to disinfect rooms or equipment. It damages a virus’s genetic material and their ability to replicate. The coronavirus pandemic has generated increased interest and research into the effects of sunshine and UV light on disinfection. The results of a recent experiment at the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center in Maryland noted sunlight reduced the life of coronavirus (airborne or on surfaces) from hours to a few minutes. Utilizing the Benefits of Sunshine and Vitamin D to Reduce Coronavirus Risk Considering the research noted above, sunshine can help us in two important ways. Exposure to sun helps disinfect areas with coronavirus, whether it be in the air or on surfaces. Sun exposure also is our primary method of vitamin D production. It is hard to obtain enough vitamin D from our food alone, so sun exposure or supplementation is necessary to increase our vitamin D to a healthy level. Spend time outdoors with sun on a significant portion of the skin until the skin starts to appear a little rosy. Those living in Northern areas and those with darker skin tones require more time outside for vitamin D production. Avoid sunburns which can increase the risk of cancer. Unless one takes high doses of vitamin D for a prolonged period, the risk of toxicity is low. The low risk and high potential for benefit makes increasing vitamin D a reasonable strategy to reduce your risk with coronavirus or other respiratory infections. ![]() The covid-19 / coronavirus pandemic has shown that everyone exposed to a virus or infectious microbe does not experience disease. Few experience severe illness and many don’t even experience mild symptoms. If disease is as simple as being exposed to a germ, why do some people avoid becoming sick? What Happens With Exposure to Coronavirus? Exposure does not equal infection and infection does not equal illness. The graphic below illustrates possible outcomes of exposure to coronavirus. Data indicates that 80% or more of confirmed cases of infection do not experience significant symptoms of illness. So, the large majority of those exposed and infected do not even know it because they do not become ill. This does not account for the even greater number of those exposed to coronavirus but have not been confirmed due to a lack of symptoms and limited testing. As testing increases, we may find that more than 90% of those exposed do not become sick. Some exposed cases may not test positive due to strong resistance or low exposure. Of the less than 20% of confirmed cases that experience symptoms of illness with coronavirus, most are mild and fewer are severe. An even smaller fraction (those with pre-existing health problems) experience such severe illness it leads to death (see our article about pre-existing conditions). As you can see in the picture, confirmed cases can be illustrated as a triangle, with a large majority experiencing no illness, and ever smaller portions experiencing greater degrees of illness or death. Surrounding that is the unknown (likely large) number of those exposed but not confirmed cases. Though infectious diseases can vary in transmission and virulence, this is similar to the presentation of many illnesses. Reducing Risks We are exposed to good and bad microbes every minute of the day and most of the time we experience little effect on our health as our immune system does its job. Many microbes are essential to our health, serving as a layer of protection or aiding our digestion among other benefits. For those viruses or microbes that may be harmful, we have three ways to assist the body’s natural fighting ability:
The covid-19 / coronavirus pandemic has illustrated more clearly than previous outbreaks the difference in individual susceptibility to infection. Why are some individuals more susceptible and how can we improve our resistance? ![]() A Story of Two Seeds Consider an example of identical seeds. One lands on fertile, nutrient-rich soil with ample sunlight and moisture. Another seed lands on rocky, dry soil in the shade. The first seed, in a nurturing environment, grows into a strong and healthy plant. The second seed struggles to grow. This seed must work harder, developing a spindly stem at odd angles trying to reach sunlight and the roots stretch to find adequate soil for nutrition and anchorage against the winds. Now what happens when one bug attacks these two plants? The healthy plant can mount a robust defense, producing more bitter phytochemicals to repel the bug and then quickly repair any damage. The already stressed and unhealthy second plant is too weak to defend itself and the same bug ends up killing it. Why was the second seed killed by the same bug that hardly affected the first plant? It was not a difference of genetics. The seeds were identical. It was a difference of resistance that resulted from the health of the surrounding environment. The same idea can be applied to human infections. The Coronavirus Story We have heard about the susceptibility of the elderly to coronavirus, with the CDC reporting those over age 64 account for 80% of deaths. The next highest risk population is not those with immune-weakening genetic diseases. It appears to be those who are obese. Obesity doubles the risk of hospitalization for anyone under age 60. More broadly, those with metabolic disorders like high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol are at risk. Now compare this to our seeds. Your body is the environment that coronavirus comes across. Is your body weak and unhealthy, with little defense against infection? Or is your body strong and ready to battle an invader? How Can We Reduce Our Susceptibility? Our genetics plays a much smaller role in health than our habits. Good habits create health. Your best chance of fighting off an infection is to be healthy in the first place, with an immune system ready to do its job. If you have been up late, sitting around the house, stressing out and eating junk, your body is in no shape to fight. It is already busy fighting to recover from your bad habits. Like the seed, you need to be watered. You need adequate sunshine, good nutrition, and low stress. Care for yourself like a young and tender plant (and do not forget to water your kids as well). ![]() The ketogenic diet has been increasing in popularity and not just because everyone loves bacon. We receive many questions about the keto diet from our patients, so here’s some basic info and perspective on the topic. What is Keto? A ketogenic diet is any diet or eating pattern that causes the body to spend significant periods of time in “ketosis” - the state in which our body burns fat rather than carbs/sugar/glucose as the primary source of fuel. Burning fat over sugar not only helps with weight management and blood sugar control. It also promotes a reduction in inflammation throughout the body which can result in an improvement in a wide range of health issues. It is best to think of frequent and significant time spent in ketosis as a fundamental expectation of our human bodies just as much our bodies expect to get good amounts of sleep, activity, and un-processed organic foods. These are simply the circumstances under which our bodies and genes developed and precisely that for which we are designed. To reiterate, NOT spending significant periods of time in ketosis on a regular basis can be just as detrimental to our health as NOT sleeping enough, NOT being active enough and NOT eating high-quality foods. For this reason, it is fair to say that we are adapted for long periods of ketosis and that we are unlikely to achieve optimal health without it. How can you create Ketosis? How do we ensure that we are spending enough time in ketosis to create healthy changes? The most common strategies are by dramatically restricting carbohydrate intake or incorporating long periods of fasting. Most keto dieters will end up combining these strategies in some way to maximize their results, however it is often easiest to implement one strategy at a time. The good news is that each strategy can help to initiate positive outcomes in body-composition and energy levels among many other beneficial outcomes. Also, a good week or two of implementing either strategy often makes it that much easier to implement the other. Two ways to get started:
Going “keto” can fit perfectly into the anti-inflammatory eating picture that we discuss so often with our patients, however some individuals go “keto” in ways that are not nearly as helpful at reducing chronic inflammation- we’ll dig into this more in an upcoming article so stay tuned. P.S. Both of the strategies for increasing time in ketosis outlined above will lead to improved metabolic flexibility and better immune system functioning with respect to addressing viral infections, so here’s just one more great reason to go “keto”. ![]() written by Dr. Rick McMichael It is not merely the virulence of the infecting organism (virus or bacteria) that determines the impact on our health but also the health and vitality of the patient. We can wait and hope for a cure to be found or we can get busy and do the things that science knows will improve our strength, health, and vitality. Are You Waiting for a "Cure"? The recent events surrounding covid-19 have focused much attention on the identification of a cure or vaccine. However, these are not simple tasks and normally require a significant amount of time, if an effective treatment or preventive treatment is to be found. In the meantime, we would be wise to begin changing our habits and to focus on healthy activities that will elevate our health status. The results of the covid-19 pandemic have made it clear that those who are weak and unhealthy, with low strength and vitality, are definitely at the highest risk of serious illness. We have been told that these high risk patients include older adults, especially those in nursing homes, and those people with multiple co-morbidities. The co-morbidities most often cited are chronic illnesses such as diabetes, obesity and heart disease, as well as pulmonary and renal conditions. Those at higher risk also include patients with a compromised immune system, which may be due to chronic illness or immune suppressive drugs like those used for cancer treatment. What Can You Do? So, what can we do to be healthier and stronger, that may help to lower our risk. We can focus on things that we can change... things that science tells us will improve our health status and reduce or eliminate some of the chronic conditions (co-morbidities) that place us at more risk of serious illness. For starters, we can improve our diet, increase our exercise, reduce our sugar and processed food intake, avoid our exposure to toxins, get sufficient rest and drink plenty of water. Did you know that chronic health conditions are responsible for a large part of our medical expenses? Did you know that science has shown us that some of these chronic conditions can be reversed, reduced or even eliminated simply by increasing our good health habits? Studies on exercise and diet have been shown to effectively reduce obesity, heart disease and diabetes and thereby increase our health and vitality...and reduce our risk of serious illness. Why not set a plan to increase your health, strength and vitality naturally? Why not set a plan and begin to implement it today! We will be happy to help you design a plan to improve your health and coach you to successfully implement your plan. Just call us to schedule an evaluation and plan to be as healthy as you can be! ![]() Professionals of every kind have their favorite go-to tools for handling common problems. Let's take a look at one of our favorite tools for immune system support and upper respiratory challenges. Congaplex: Go-to Immune Support Congaplex is one of our favorite answers when patients ask about what to do for stuffy sinuses, coughing, sneezing, and the other fun than comes with upper respiratory challenges. We especially keep it handy around our houses during the winter when those problems hit the hardest. Conga - plex can be thought of as a complex of whole food nutrients that fight congestion and support the immune system. Congaplex is actually a specially formulated blend of other Standard Process supplements:
We have found it to be a great choice and kids especially like the Congaplex chewable version that includes berry powder. We use it in lower doses for prevention or higher doses when fighting off a bug. Check out some of the good foods inside: bovine thymus extract, carrot root, bovine bone, nutritional yeast, wheat germ, bovine adrenal, alfalfa juice, oat flour, alfalfa flour, bovine kidney, veal bone, veal bone extract, mushroom, buckwheat leaf juice, buckwheat seed, peanut bran, soybean lecithin, carrot oil. You could try Congaplex or eat all of these! ![]() Echinacea has traditionally been used for hundreds of years, partly due to the thought that it benefits the immune system and protects against colds and infections. However, research has showed mixed results and there has been much confusion and misunderstanding of how Echinacea may provide health benefits. The following myths and explanations take a closer look at how Echinacea should or should not be used. Prevention not Cure Studies have demonstrated Echinacea may have more potential to support a healthy immune response when taken preventively rather than during an acute illness. While it may be helpful when taken during an infection, Echinacea's greater potential appears to be as a preventive measure to prepare the immune system before an infection occurs. Echinacea & Long-term Use Concerns regarding long-term use of echinacea have been dispelled by research that shows Echinacea is not only safe when taken over a year, but beneficial. A study in mice fed Echinacea daily for 13 months, showed increased health and longevity compared to mice not fed Echinacea. Other studies have indicated potential benefit when taken by those with chronic immune system issues. Purple Coneflowers are Echinacea? It's important to recognize the various species of Echinacea and their varying ability to effect immune system function. The purple coneflowers frequently grown in gardens (pictured above) are one species called Echinacea purpurea. Another species called Echinacea augustifolia has more traditionally been used, and research indicates its roots contain higher levels of alkylamides that are the primary active constituent. It's the alkylmides that cause a tingling sensation on the tongue when taken. Studies indicate E. augustifolia root or a blend of both species are more effective for immune support. If your supplement doesn't cause a mild tingling when held in the mouth, it may be too low in active constituents to be effective. Studies that have found less benefit with Echinacea, tend to use the wrong plant, the wrong part (not the root), the wrong method of concentration, or too small a dose. How Does Echinacea Effect the Immune System? Research has demonstrated multiple changes in immune cell function with Echinacea. Research has noted significant increases in natural killer cells and monocytes. Natural killer cells are important in defending against viruses, by killing virus-infected cells in the body. Monocytes are a type of white blood cell that can capture microorganisms or transform into macrophages that "eat" fungi and microbes. There also appears to be beneficial effects on T cells and heat shock proteins that play a role in a healthy immune response. In a study of adults flying internationally in economy class, those taking Echinacea Premium tablets before, during, and after flight experienced fewer symptoms of respiratory illness compared to the placebo group. Echinacea is worth considering as part of a healthy lifestyle to support proper immune system function. Our preferred version is Echinacea Premium due to its high quality and research support. Those with allergies to the daisy family should be cautious, though there is less concern when the root of the plant is used. ![]() The unknown nature of coronavirus has caused great concern but provided little in the way of recommendations other than improving hygiene habits. There is no need to live in fear, but improving your health habits is a good idea. Washing hands, covering coughs, and cleaning surfaces is a good start to limit transmission of viruses, but there are also easy actions that can be taken to lower the risk of viral infections or minimize their harm. And they can make you generally healthier while you do them! Appropriate preventive measures for viral infections can be divided into two categories:
Keep Clean & Reduce Viral Transmission By now most have heard the common sense recommendations to increase cleaning and limit contact with others. Know that antimicrobial soaps have not been found to be any more effective than regular soaps and ingredients like triclosan antibacterial has been linked to other health issues. Make sure you spend 20 seconds when washing those hands. Hand sanitizers are only to be used when soap is unavailable. It provides no additional benefit. Increased humidity can also be beneficial to reduce viral transmission. Research has demonstrated that more humid environments interfere with the spread of viruses. That's one of the reasons it's easier to catch a bug in the winter with drier air inside and out. Using a simple humidifier can make a big difference. Strengthen Your Health The best way to strengthen your health and reduce your susceptibility to infection is to improve your basic health habits:
More Strategies We Use to Stay Healthy Manual treatments like adjustments and massages work the body and have been shown to increase immune cell activity shortly after being performed. Some special techniques can help open the sinuses when congested. Supplements we like for prevention include a high quality Echinacea or Immuplex from Standard Process which provides important nutrients that support the immune system. Keep up your level of Vitamin D, which drops in our gray skies of winter in Northeast Ohio. When the body is fighting an infection, St. Johns Wort, Andrographis, Congaplex, or a good high dose Vitamin C can provide helpful support. If you want to stay healthy and resilient to whatever comes along, make sure to take steps to actively improve your health. ![]() "Researchers from the National Institute for Health Research at the University of Bristol and the University of Manchester reviewed published 'systematic reviews' on the use of [complementary and alternative medicine] therapies to treat babies with colic." Their findings indicate natural non-drug options could be helpful for children with colic. The long nights of little sleep with a colicky baby can be difficult on babies and parents. Without helpful medical treatments, parents can be left distressed over what to do or where to go. Some try natural non-drug options like chiropractic or supplements. This study takes a closer look at the research that has been performed to determine how helpful these options are for colic. The researchers noted evidence that probiotics, fennel extract, and chiropractic could be helpful for colic. There was not enough evidence at this time to recommend acupuncture or soy. Dr. Rachel Perry, Senior Research Associate in the NIHR Bristol BRC's nutrition theme at the University of Bristol said, "Our review does show that some treatments -- probiotics, fennel extract and spinal manipulation -- do appear to help, though the studies that showed this weren't big enough or well-designed enough to be sure of the results. This is especially true for probiotics, where some of the findings from earlier, poor quality studies were rather oversold. But our findings do point to where future research efforts should be focused." One of the benefits of trying a natural non-drug option is the low risk of harm. Chiropractic and other options may be helpful, and the risk of trying them is low so consider these options for your families health issues. ![]() You've probably seen the fast food commercials of customers tricked into eating a "veggie" burger made by the Impossible Foods company. The samplers are amazed at how meaty it tastes and can't believe it's actually "vegetarian" when it "bleeds" like a real burger. The Impossible burger is showing up as an option at more and more of the largest fast food chains as these companies try to cash in on providing a "vegetarian" option that appears to be a healthy alternative to beef and friendly to the environment. Don't believe the hype. It's not what you think it is. While the fast food giants promote this as a healthy plant-based option compared to meat, the company that makes the burger avoids making specific health claims, and no studies have been performed to show a positive effect on health with this product. There aren't even studies to prove that the genetically engineered ingredients have no effect on humans. But aren't vegetables healthy? Sure, but this is no patty of vegetables being served. What's in the Impossible burger sold at fast food chains? The meaty taste and "bleeding" of the burger may be an impressive innovation, but that innovation comes from a constituent of soy call leghemoglobin that has been produced by genetically engineered yeast. Combine that with other heavily processed ingredients like soy protein concentrate, soy protein isolate, modified food starch, methylcellulose, potato protein, yeast extract, cultured dextrose, natural flavors, sunflower oil and more, and you've got a recipe for health right? Probably not. We're not big fans of most "veggie" burgers due to their highly processed nature, and the Impossible burger goes a step further to being an ultra-processed food product. It is a good idea to avoid the factory farmed burgers sold by most restaurants, but that doesn't mean we can't find a better option than a factory produced "veggie" burger. There are two better options for your health (and the environment). If you want a veggie burger, find one without all of the processed junk and that is actually made out of vegetables (or make one yourself). Or choose naturally pastured-raised or grassfed beef for your burger. If someone tells you their processed food product is healthier than real food, they better have some amazing studies to prove that a century of nutrition research is wrong. While they work on those, go eat the real stuff. ![]() Did you miss the article published in the Canton Repository by Dr. Jud Sprandel and Dr. Aaron McMichael? Here's an excerpt: "The adverse effects of Ohio’s opioid/prescription epidemic continue to harm everyone in Ohio, especially our active military, veterans and their families. TRICARE, the insurer of our active military and their families, does not cover chiropractic or acupuncture treatment. Active duty military personnel are suffering with large numbers of musculoskeletal injuries, and they deserve a non-drug option. Chiropractic care is a non-drug, non-surgical approach that is safe, medically effective and cost-effective. Opioid use continues, addictions are frequent and related suicides have been noted. Recently, there were 10 Ohio deaths in a 26-hour period in Franklin County. U.S. data outline the ongoing problems generated by use of opioid medications per day: • 540,000 prescriptions of opioid medication. • 5,480 start non-medical use of opioids. • 600 start heroin use. • 3,300 visits to an emergency room caused by opioid use. • 90 babies are born addicted. • 140 die of opioid overdose..." Read more at |
AuthorsDr Aaron McMichael + Dr Ryan McMichael Categories
October 2024
_Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor. This blog is not a doctor and will not diagnose or treat your problems.