You're Right!
Whole Milk is healthier than Skim Milk (which has all of the fat processed out of it). How could this be? Everyone has been recommending skim milk. The problem is everyone assumed all fat is bad, so we should take it out of all the foods we can. But when you take fat out of milk, you take the vitamins in the fat out (A, D, E, K). You also concentrate the sugars in the milk, turning it into a sugary beverage more like pop.
Scientists have recently performed bigger and better research on this subject. A Cardiovascular Health Study on whole fat dairy consumption of 3700 adults performed at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard School of Public Health confirmed surprising benefits of whole fat dairy. They found those who consume whole fat instead of low fat or fat free dairy had better cholesterol and triglyceride levels, better insulin regulation, and lower levels of inflammation. Whole fat dairy reduced the risk of diabetes by 62%! Research has also confirmed that those who consume more low fat dairy are more likely to gain weight. Do you need any more reasons to choose whole dairy? Our doctors recommend patients make the switch to better dairy options for milk, yogurt, and cheese. Also consider organic milk to avoid the antibiotics and hormones. Minimally processed dairy is best. |
Which Food is NOT Genetically Engineered: Corn, Soy, or Canola?
Click on the option that hasn't been crossed with DNA from a virus in a laboratory and made antibiotic resistant, producing
its own insecticide in its cells and/or becoming resistant to herbicide so it can be heavily sprayed with chemicals without dying.
its own insecticide in its cells and/or becoming resistant to herbicide so it can be heavily sprayed with chemicals without dying.