The World's Cheapest Healthiest Food
![]() When discussing nutrition and eating better with patients, a statement that comes up frequently is:
"Healthy food is too expensive. It costs too much to eat healthy." Have you said this? If you did, you're wrong. The healthiest food in the world is also the cheapest food in the world. So stop making excuses and start eating healthy. Are you still confused? The world's healthiest food is what's growing in your back yard (or if you're like Dr. Aaron, it's what's growing in your front yard and side yard and back yard.) Spread Some Seed
![]() Be your own Johnny Appleseed and start planting. But just stick to your yard unless you have the neighbors' approval.
Plant a variety of vegetables, fruits, and herbs. You can even plant some nut trees or shrubs. Don't forget about seasons other than summer. Even in Ohio, we can grow vegetables during most of the year. Greens and root vegetables tend to be more frost tolerant than others. No Excuses